Monday, 12 May 2014

Weekly Update

St Michael's Golf Classic was held over last weekend. Many thanks to all who organised the Classic, our many sponsors and all who took part in the competition. Winning team on the day was Michael Regan, Padraig Hunt and Albert Noone , more details next week.

The Intermediate team had a busy week with two matches last week. On Monday they played St. Dominics in Knockcroghery, that game finished level at 10pts each. On Sunday they playedShannon Gaels in very wet conditions in Croghan winning with a scoreline of 1 09 to 1 02.
U. 12 training Tuesday from 7 to 8pm. The U.12 Spring League is starting next week, details will be given at training.

U.14 were beaten by St. Dominics last Friday and are due to play Roscommon Gaels on Saturday next at 11 am in Ardcarne Park.

U.6, 8 and 10 training is on Friday evening at 6.30.

Many thanks to St. Croan's for hosting a very enjoyable U.10 blitz on Saturday last in Enfield.

The U.8's blitz takes place in Castlerea at 11 a.m. on Saturday next parents will be notified by text.

LADIES: Our U.12 Girls had a very convincing win over Kilmore at home on Friday evening last, they play Kilglass gaels next Friday evening. The U.14's start their League campaign with a game against Oran next Wednesday in Ardcarne Park.

Best wishes to all the children from the parish who are making their Holy Communion and Confirmation.

The last Lotto draw was held in Beirnes of Battlebridge on Sunday 4th May, there was no winner, no's drawn were 6, 7, 21,and 22. There was one match 3 winner Liam and Frances Tolton ,Knockvicar. Next draw is in the Bogside on Sunday next 18th May for a Jackpot of E9,700.

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